Monday, September 1, 2014

How can anyone be so tiny?

A friend had a baby very early and I wanted to do something to show them we were thinking of them.  We live too far to give them a warm hug, so I made a blanket and a few hats.  She was so little, just under 2 pounds if I remember right.  The hats turned out to be a little bit too small but the blanket covered her just right.  For the blanket I used Bernat Tizzy yarn and felt buttons, and called it "Lila's Garden".  Her parents loved it, and I was so glad I could do something to help personalize the clinical environment of the NICU.  Now a very busy toddler, it's hard to imagine that her start was so rocky.  I still owe her a hat...  I'm thinking Minnie Mouse would be just the thing!

I chose felt buttons because babies this tiny need something soft

The blanket is folded in quarters

It turned out to be the perfect size to keep her warm in her first bed

I made the blanket small (18 x 24 inches) for 3 reasons:

  • It needed to fit in her isolette
  • Being so small, she would've gotten lost in a regular sized blanket
  • I wanted her parents, and her, to have a visual reminder of how small she once was

My friend decided to donate the hats to the NICU.  It amazes me that there could be babies small enough to wear them.  It occurs to me that the babies that received them probably didn't live.  I'm glad that my knitting could show the parents of these "micro preemies" that there are people out there thinking of them.  Every parent should see their baby wrapped in a blanket and wearing a hat.

When I get through my "to-make" list I'm going to make more of these tiny hats and some angel pockets (fetal demise pouches) to donate to my local NICU.

Here are some pattern links in case you would like to make things for angel babies and babies who start life so small:
Angel Pocket-knit
Burial Gown set-knit
Tiny Angel Gown
Burial Gown, Bonnet, and Booties
Many Patterns from Star Legacy Foundation

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Clifford the Small Red Puppy

My youngest has been in love with Clifford for as long as I can remember, so when I saw this pattern I knew that it was time for me to learn to crochet.  This is one of the rare times that I've purchased a pattern, and I don're regret it for a second.

Find the pattern here.

I added a plastic ring to his collar so he could have the option of a leash. He's well behaved and has already learned to sit, stand still, and lay down.

A Pokey Little Puppy Baby Set

When I first started to crochet I found a little book by Shelle Hendrix called Hats and Diaper Covers.  This was the first one I made.  I also made her ladybug set.  The diaper cover pattern is the one I used for the caterpillar set also.

Front view of the diaper cover

Back View of the diaper cover.  Yes, that is a tail!

In the Swamp?

My high school mascot was The Gators.  So when I came across this crocheted gator scarf, I knew I had to make it.

New to crochet at the time, I made a shortened "trial" scarf.  It was far from perfect but acceptable enough.  And then I thought "What in the heck am I going to do with this now?  It's not good for anything."  Inspiration struck, and I sewed it on a hat!  It looked a little dead, so I added shank buttons for eyes.

Here's my oldest again in his gator hat.
It's silly, so it's perfect for a 5 year old!  

Shark Week

I LOVE Repeat Crafter Me's blog.  I absolutely love it!  And I fell even harder when I discovered her shark hat.  As a mom of two young boys, a shark hat is a must!

Here's my oldest enjoying his.
I made it without the earflaps

                                             And then I made one with earflaps and braids.

The Search For the Perfect Hat

It all started when my friend had her first baby with her new husband.  She asked me if I would make her a hat for their upcoming photo shoot.  Of course I gladly agreed, gave them the web address to Ravelry, and told them to "go fish."  They found the Easy Faux Ribbon Baby Hat, told me what colors they wanted, and I got to work.

By the way, if you've never been on Ravelry, it's a magical place full of every kind of knit and crochet pattern you could ever hope to find.

This is Mallory May's hat.  The only problem is that she was, and still is, a petite little peanut and it was too big for her!  She's a year old now and I bet it still fits!  I'll have to ask about it.

It was such a fun pattern that I wanted to see what else I could do with it...

 A crochet rose with a button center gave it a much different look.

And because I have an album with most of my knit and crochet items in my facebook pictures, a friend ordered one for her granddaughter.  This one went to Claire, because little girls love pink and purple.

I guess I really liked this pattern, because I also made a gray one with a pink bow, and a green one with a purple ribbon and a coordinating button.

I just finished a green one with yellow ribbon and yellow flower with green tractor button at the center for someone requesting a John Deere theme, but that's for another post and another day.  It's extra "girlie" with a scalloped edge.

Haven't You Always Wanted a Monkey?

Okay, enough with the song lyrics...  But really, aren't The Barenaked Ladies a fun group?!

Here's my crochet sock monkey baby set.

This set is small, newborn baby small.  And because newborns like snug, warm places, I made the cocoon snug.